Freshman Business Scholars Celebrate the End of the Year
Freshman Business Scholars held their final day off class for the year on Friday April 20th. The Business Scholars discussed their favorite parts of their freshman experience and what they learned in Business Scholars. Then the students were lucky to hear from Amy Rees Anderson, an Eccles Board member who discussed the importance of setting goals. She talked about how every couple of years she sits down and creates a goal poster, a poster of pictures of what she wants to accomplish in her life and then she hangs it in her office. She has learned that if you have a constant reminder of what your goals are you are much more likely to accomplish them. Blank’s success in her career and family life are further proof of the impact setting goals can have on our lives.
After hearing from Anderson the Business Scholars then enjoyed Cup Bop for lunch and the Penguin Brothers ice cream sandwich truck came for dessert! We are so proud of this year’s Freshman Business Scholars and are looking forward to another great year with new students!