Need extra support? Check out five resources right here on campus

College life on a budget can be challenging, especially this time of year. The University of Utah provides a network of support — from food pantries to mental health services.

Basic Needs Collective (BNC)

The Basic Needs Collective is the central location on campus for resources related to food insecurity, unstable housing, health insurance, legal services, mental health, and more. They can connect you to the support you need. More info at @uofu_bnc

Feed U Food Pantry

All University of Utah students, faculty, and staff have access to free, non-perishable food via the Feed U Food Pantry. They have three locations on campus. Their main location is in the basement of the Union plus they have two satellite locations at the Eccles Health Science Education Building (EHSEB) and for residents at the University Student Apartments. They also have Zoom cooking classes! More info at @feedupantry

In A Pinch

Right here in the SFEBB, In A Pinch provides free, helpful items to students such as non-perishable food, personal hygiene, and wellness items! Just walk in (SFEBB 1140W) and grab what you need. More info at

University of Utah Counseling Center

All students currently enrolled at the University of Utah students are eligible for free University of Utah Counseling Center. Here you can meet with counselors, find resources, and utilize the mindfulness center. More info at @uofucounseling

Career Closet

Located in Business Career Services (GARFF 1300), the Career Closet allows students to check out professional clothes for that important interview, career fair, etc. at no cost. More info at

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