Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

First Ascent Scholars surprised with a graduation parade

With convocations postponed until December, First Ascent Scholars created a new tradition to celebrate graduates. Several Eccles school staff, mentors, and directors visited the homes of the program’s eight graduates with a surprise graduation parade. 

“It was so great to see our community gather to celebrate our graduates’ achievements,” said Victoria Cabal, Director of the Office for Student Inclusion and the First Ascent Scholar Program. “Everyone brought homemade signs and noisemakers. We made so much noise that even neighbors came out to applaud graduates, and passersby would honk in recognition. In this difficult time, it was such a privilege to see our scholars and celebrate their hard-earned success.”

The Eccles school congratulates the 2020 First Ascent Scholar graduates:

  • Rosario Bibiano Garcia
  • Elissa Glass
  • Gregory Headman
  • Salwa Ibrahim
  • James Mordue
  • Nam Nguyen
  • Carlos Hernandez Rodriguez
  • Edwin Roman
  • Irene Salinas

The First Ascent Scholars Program cultivates, encourages, and enables academically focused students with significant financial need to attend the Eccles School and connect with the University of Utah, local, and global community while reaching their full academic potential. For more information, visit Eccles.Link/first-ascent.

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