Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Fintech booming in Utah with help from the Utah Center for Financial Services

This past year has been an enormous one for FinTech in Utah Valley. Galileo, Finicity, Acima, and Divvy all have been acquired for roughly $6 billion. Fintech and tech companies as a whole are increasingly choosing Utah and Salt Lake City specifically as the basecamp to establish their operations. The Utah Center for Financial Services (UCFS) was recently featured in an article about financial technology and the booming FinTech industry within Utah.

Image courtesy Silicon Slopes

The Utah Center for Financial Services is an independent research center funded by grants and focused on helping others to understand the dual-banking system and the role of state-chartered banks in the United States. The UCFS provides research and analysis to inform public policy leaders and regulators. The University of Utah and the David Eccles School of Business specifically are able to train qualified and productive students to help these companies grow within the state.

Read the full article at Silicon Slopes.

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