Finals during the COVID-19 pandemic – 5 tips to help you succeed!

Finals week is upon us, albeit much less traditional than usual. However, that does not mean it’ll get easier. Studying or taking a final within a room at the Spencer Fox Eccles Building is much different than doing the same at home. Here are a few tips and tricks to try to bridge that gap.

  1. Turn off all distractions – Whether this is your phone, a television, or finding a separate room from your parents on a work call, it is important to separate yourself and find a clean space to focus.
  2. Don’t get too comfortable – Avoid working from a place you may forget to work on: whether that be a comfy couch or your bed. Find a place that keeps you accountable.
  3. Utilize Zoom for study groups – Although you may not sit next to your classmates every week anymore, that does not mean they are out of sight out of mind. Promising to study together is also a tool you can use to keep yourself working and motivated.
  4. Set a goal amount of time for work each day – Try not to work too little or too much in one day, you can burn out either way. If you dedicate specific time in to work specifically carving out your breaks, you will be much more on top of it all.
  5. Keep an updated calendar for each lecture or exam you have –  While sleeping through a final exam is a nightmare we all definitely have had before, this becomes much closer to reality as we take them from home. Make sure you are on top of your schedule for the week, knowing what time you will need to be up and present for your day of work.

This past unprecedented month has been difficult for us all, but we have all gotten through it. If you ever find yourself unmotivated to take on the day in front of you, just know that these days will pass. Everyone at the David Eccles School of Business is here for you and ready to cheer you on at the finish line, whether that line be finishing your degree or your freshman year.

Anna Terry is a Marketing and Information Systems student at the David Eccles School of Business. She currently serves as an intern for the Marketing + Communications team.

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