Faculty Spotlight: Department of Management’s Georgi Rausch

Editor’s Note: This is an installment in the series called Faculty Spotlight. The series spotlights faculty around the David Eccles School of Business.

Georgi RauschGeorgi Rausch is an Assistant Professor/Lecturer in the Department of Management. Rausch has an amazing attitude with an enthusiastic energy for teaching and inspiring students to pursue anything they want to do in life. She graduated with a double major in Communication & English (BA) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a masters degree from the University of Montana in Communication Studies, and received her Ph.D. here at the University of Utah in 2012.

Eccles School: What/who inspires you?

Rausch: My students inspire me. I am really impressed with the work they produce. They all work really hard. My colleagues in the Management department also really influence me.

Eccles School: How do you keep yourself goal-focused and goal-oriented?

Rausch: I choose goals that I am excited about that aligned with my personal values in life. I used to be freaked out about goals, but figured out it is not inspiring. You need to find the passion within that goal. Anyone who really wants to make a goal and achieve it must really want it. In the end, it will feel amazing once the goal has been obtained.

Eccles School: What is your dream career?

Rausch: I love teaching! I also want to be a novelist that produces enjoyable books to read.

Eccles School: What has been your favorite time of year here at the David Eccles School of Business?

Rausch: Graduation is my favorite time because the energy is positive. I love seeing students and their families celebrate, give hugs and shake hands. It makes me so proud!

Eccles School: What is your favorite quote?

Rausch: “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” ~Maya Angelou

Eccles School: What is your favorite place to visit?

Rausch: Southern Utah is the best! I just love the desert, outdoors and hiking. Zions Park is a great place to just go and be with you.

Be sure to say hello to Rausch in the Management Department or sign up for one of her classes. She teaches MGT 3810-Business Communication, MGT 5600-Business Ethics, and starting in Fall 2016, she will teach in the Master of Accounting program.

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