Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Events Recap: International Business Club Fall Kickoff Social

Editor’s Note: The International Business Club (IBC) at the David Eccles School of Business works to help students build connections with business professionals and understand opportunities for global business. This group welcomes all students interested in international issues.

The International Business Club kicked off the 2016-2017 school year with their fall opening social where students from all different majors interested in international business and international issues came together to learn more about what the International Business Club has to offer.

The social started off with food and drinks to break the ice among new members, existing members, and officers.  After the brief icebreaker, the IBC officers introduced themselves and talked about reasons why they are a part of the club. This gave the students a better understanding of who the club leaders are as people and helped the new students garner further interest in getting more involved. After the introductions, the president of the club, Allie Zhang outlined the upcoming events and site visits they had planned for the semester. Finally, the students had a blast playing a round of  “international” Jeopardy with prompts related to different cultures, different countries, and more. The winning team got IBC t-shirts!

Thanks to the student leaders of the International Business Club for organizing such a successful event. If you are interested in getting involved with the International Business Club and boost your #EcclesExperience, check them out on Facebook  and sign up to become a member here.

The club meets on twice a month on Wednesdays from 1:00 to 2:00pm in CRCC 205 except on company visits.

The dates are as follows:

  • Wed. September 14, 2016: Guest Speaker 
  • Wed. September 28, 2016: Business Etiquette
  • Fri. October 21, 2016: Company Visit 
  • Wed. November 9, 2016: Guest Speaker 
  • Wed. November 23, 2016: Guest Speaker 

IBC membersIBC IBC members 2IBC members 3


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