Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Entrepreneurship – An Eccles Experience Film

Here’s the second in a series of #EcclesExperience films by the David Eccles School of Business. The first, called Brainstorm, was published in September.

This new 6-minute video tells the story of how the David Eccles School of Business has built an ecosystem for innovation through embodying the entrepreneurial mindset.

The Entrepreneurship video release coincides with our recent Entrepreneur magazine entrepreneur program rankings: #17 for graduate and #24 for undergraduate programs.

The new video shows how the Eccles Experience incorporates applied learning and how students can build on the school’s entrepreneurial spirit to accomplish extraordinary things.

The University of Utah David Eccles School of Business provides a top 25 entrepreneurship environment that includes degrees, programs and certificates, plus Lassonde Studios — the world’s first on-campus space for residential living, co-working, startup launching and product fabrication — open 24/7 to all U students.

And here’s the Entrepreneurship film movie poster. We encourage you to share the poster and video with your social networks.

Entrepreneurship - Eccles School Films movie poster


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