Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Eccles Students Win Community Bank Case Study Competition

The Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS) has announced the winning team of the 2015 Inaugural Community Bank Case Study Competition.

The competition was established by CSBS to build a further understanding of the community banking business model, to connect students with senior bank management, and to serve as a research tool for uncovering new and innovative perspectives regarding the role of community banks in the economy.

Student teams submitted video presentations and written case studies that were judged based on the teams’ detailed assessment of the bank, analysis of the institution and overall quality and professionalism of the project.

The winners of the 2015 Inaugural Community Bank Case Study Competition are Jenny Flatberg, Changsu Lee, Kurt Moore, and Brett Welker, all students from the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. Jack Brittain, Ph.D was the team’s faculty advisor.

“Congratulations to the students, their faculty advisor and to the University of Utah for winning this year’s Inaugural Community Bank Case Study Competition,” said John W. Ryan, CSBS President and CEO. “The case study competition provides students the opportunity to gain valuable, first-hand knowledge of the banking industry, and their work will contribute to the full body of academic research on community banking.”

Five teams from five school participated in the pilot competition. The winning team will be awarded a CSBS scholarship and given an opportunity to present their research at the 2015 CSBS-Federal Reserve Community Banking in the 21st Century Research Conference. Additionally, each participating team will see their project published in the 2015 Community Banking in the 21st Century: Opportunities, Challenges and Perspectives report that will be released at the research conference. Final student projects will be released in June.

CSBS will begin accepting entries for the 2016 Community Bank Case Study Competition in August.  Visit the Community Bank Case Study Competition website for more information at

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