Eccles School values: Embracing the past

The David Eccles School of Business embodies the legacy of Utah’s first entrepreneur and the school’s namesake, David Eccles. Through four core values, David Eccles forged a path and paved the way for the state’s enterprising business success and the school’s culture.


David Eccles was a skilled leader who founded more than 50 successful businesses in Utah and across the Intermountain West. He was also an elected, civil servant. Leadership is a principle instilled and quality exemplified throughout the Eccles School. That leadership manifests itself in the classroom and boardroom, and everywhere our faculty, staff, students and alumni go.


The Eccles School community strives for excellence. David Eccles wasn’t content to be successful and do a good job. He was exceptionally dedicated, received accolades and respect from his peers and amassed great wealth, both personally and professionally. From academic achievement to community service and workplace accomplishment, excellence is bound to the Eccles experience.


The legacy of David Eccles has lasted for generations. His vision, determination and business acumen set the standard for future business leaders in Utah and beyond. The Eccles School builds on David Eccles’ legacy annually as graduates embark on personal journeys in many states and countries, touching the lives of millions. Ours is a proud heritage and lasting legacy.


When David Eccles left this world as a very wealthy man at age 63 in 1912, he was mourned, honored and celebrated. His success, and reason for admiration, had as much to do with his personal grit and diligent hard work as his natural talent. Without perseverance, David Eccles may never have made his mark. Students at the Eccles School learn something about perseverance as they earn their degrees. Many of them wouldn’t even be here if they hadn’t already learned, to some extent, to persevere. As a business school community, we respect diligence and hard work, and believe perseverance plays an important, lasting role in each of our lives.

Read about the Eccles School values that engage the future.

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