Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Eccles School team takes first in Diversity & Business Ethics Case Competition

On Feb. 8-9, the David Eccles School of Business had two teams participate in the University of Colorado Boulder Leeds School of Business Diversity & Business Ethics Case Competition.

The teams competed against other schools across the region and created a business plan for a case involving gender identity and the use of different gender pronouns at a large publishing company.

Veritas Consulting, composed of Joana Acevedo, Oriana Canchumani, Veronica Aponte Conley, Andrea Cazares Rosas, and team captain Lirio Sanchez, took first place in the competition, winning $5,000.

The judges said this team had the best grasp on the details of the case and presented clear and compelling solutions to the challenge.

Congratulations on a great win!

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