Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Eccles School helps create Music 4 Healing project

The power of music can’t be overstated. It stirs emotions, helps us relate to the world — and it can even reawaken memories in people who thought they had lost them forever.

The Music 4 Healing project is aimed at helping patients suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive and physical disabilities regain some of their memories. The project was started by the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute at the Eccles School. The project brings together the schools of Medicine, Music and the Marriott Library. The Music 4 Healing project uses ccMixter to collect and curate music, spoken word and sounds that can be remixed to create new playlists.

Researchers at the School of Medicine hope to use those familiar quotes, riffs and tones to help patients unlock memories previously lost to their condition.

Those interested in providing audio content can do so by clicking here. University of Utah students who record a sample that is used the most or liked the most by users can win one of three $250 prizes.

For more information on ccMixter, click here.

What do you plan to record for the Music 4 Healing project?

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