Eccles School Fashion Week

Everyone seems to like fashion, am I wrong? Everyone participates in it, everyone looks at the pictures in the magazines and wonders how they can create the same outfit or when they are rich they will just buy the really expensive clothes. Here at the David Eccles School of Business we strive for the best of ourselves and educate students in practical things, like how to dress for success no matter what industry they will work in.


On Feb. 15 you are invited to attend the Eccles School Fashion Week (just one day). The fashion show will show students how to dress in certain industries within business. The different types of industries students will see are interview, technology/science, finance/accounting, government/nonprofit, marketing/PR/advertising and hospitality/entertainment.

Students have been working on this fashion show since early November 2016. Through organizing departments for help, selecting models, finding sponsored clothing, photoshoots and marketing the event this event isn’t just another student-run fashion show.

To learn more about the Eccles School Fashion show, click here.

If you want to attend the event, be sure to RSVP, click here.



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