De-stressed, not depressed during finals at the Eccles School

As soon as Thanksgiving Break hits, students know they must face finals season. Check out our five steps to stay ahead of the pressure that comes with studying and preparing.

Step 1: Make a game plan.

The best teams have a play-by-play strategy, and students should follow their lead. Performing well on game day starts by creating, and then developing, a training program. Scheduled exam times, organized class notes, and review sessions should be at the top of your list. Seeing the field from above will help you execute your preparation schedule and help you perform well on exam day.

Step 2: Be disciplined.

Stick to your study schedule and remain focused on the end goal. Knowing whether you work more productively on your own or by studying in a group is central to following an effective study schedule. At the same time, be aware of your study strengths. Some students are more visual or auditory learners, and following your unique learning style has the power to impact class success. Whatever you do, don’t be distracted by secondary priorities. If needed, Christmas shopping can wait until after you secure those A’s!

Step 3: Take a break.

No, it’s not counter-intuitive. Exercising, spending time with friends, eating well, and getting enough sleep are all essential to help you relax and stay healthy in the middle of a hectic and demanding school period. But make sure you don’t use them as an excuse to procrastinate. Balance is key.

STEP 4: Please don’t do this one thing.

Don’t cram the night before your exam. Just don’t.

STEP 5: Celebrate!

Each time you complete one of your exams, celebrate your hard work. Enjoy your three weeks off when you finally finish finals, and congratulations to those who are graduating this semester!

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