Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

David Eccles Week: Excellence

The final Eccles School value honored during David Eccles Week is Excellence.

Excellence is a value thoroughly embodied by our school’s namesake. David Eccles wasn’t content to be successful and simply do a good job. He was exceptionally dedicated, received accolades and respect from his peers and amassed great wealth, both personally and professionally.

He constantly strived for excellence in every endeavor he undertook — ensuring his businesses, civic service and time with family were the best they possibly could be.

Like our namesake, the Eccles School community strives for excellence.

Our students consistently perform in the top tiers in competitions throughout the nation, earn the respect of employers as they carry out the duties of their internships and jobs and impress with insight and understanding in the classroom.

Our faculty embraces excellence in all they do — from cutting-edge research to conducting engaging, informative classes.

Our staff creates an environment for excellence by delivering top-notch customer service to our students, helping them navigate the business world from the classroom to the boardroom.

From academic achievement to community service and workplace accomplishment, excellence is bound to the Eccles Experience.

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