at the University of Utah
David Eccles School of Business ranks among world’s best in Executive Education
New rankings released Monday by the London-based Financial Times have the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business ranked among the world’s best programs in Executive Education.
In the Times’ “Open Ranking” category, which reflects student satisfaction, the Eccles School came in at No. 38 overall (up from 47th last year) and No. 3 among U.S. schools (up from No. 4 a year ago).
In the Times’ “Custom Ranking” of programs, which surveys employers’ satisfaction, the Eccles School ranked 64th in the world overall and No. 5 among U.S. schools.
It was the first time the Eccles School took part in the Times’ Custom Ranking.
“These rankings highlight the world-class professors, content and programs offered by University of Utah Executive Education,” said Jason Sloan, Director of the Executive Education program. “For employees looking to grow their skills, and for businesses looking to grow their leadership ranks, some of the best resources in the nation are right here in Salt Lake City.”
Through an offering of open-enrollment, certificate, and custom courses, the U.’s Executive Education program connects students with short, high-impact non-degree offerings with premier faculty members from the Eccles School’s top-ranked MBA programs.