Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

David Eccles Award: Dan Schaerrer recognized for Innovation

Dan Schaerrer and his creative genius are being honored with the David Eccles Award for Innovation.

Dan is the school’s videographer. He does an excellent job capturing videos of in-class lectures and presentations, and he really shines when he gets to unleash his creativity and excellent eye on a film.

“Whether he is making an informational video for the Undergraduate Admissions office, student testimonial clips for the Advising Office, the Eccles Coin video, or helping to manage the daily creation of content for online classes, Dan gives every project his best effort and works hard to make sure that each video created is worthy to represent the David Eccles School of Business and the excellent institution that it is,” one nominator wrote.

Dan often works with partners across campus, making him an ambassador for the school. He has shown professionalism, dedication and innovation throughout his interactions within the Eccles School and across the University of Utah.

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