Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

David Eccles Award: Becky Flynn honored for Transformation

The first David Eccles Award for Transformation goes to Becky Flynn.

“Becky has done a tremendous job in the Department of Finance student placement,” one nominator wrote. “She is involved in all facets of placement from training and preparing students for the job market, to helping organize special events and activities, and arranging for local company visits.”

Becky plays a key role in assisting Eccles School students with one of the biggest transformations of their lives — morphing from full-time student to working professional. She increases the visibility of our students both in the local financial community as well as on Wall Street and beyond.

She uses data to better understand the placement process and has supercharged the placement process for Eccles School finance students, resulting in better placements and brighter futures for our students.

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