Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Leadership in Ethics Education Award winners announced

Daniels Fund Ethics Initiatives Professors Abe Bakhsheshy and Bill Hesterly announced the winners of the Eccles School’s Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Leadership in Ethics Education Award for the 2018-2019 academic year.

These colleagues were chosen on behalf of the University of Utah for their successful efforts to create new ethics-related courses, to integrate new business ethics content into existing courses, to mentor students on ethics initiatives, and to help make business ethics a permanent fabric of our business school and other University of Utah academic programs and curricula.

The following individuals are recognized as receiving this year’s Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Leadership in Ethics Education Awards:

  • Elizabeth Tenney— David Eccles School of Business
  • Krishnan Anand — David Eccles School of Business
  • Manu Goyal — David Eccles School of Business
  • Jennifer Marie Taylor — College of Education
  • Bart Watts — School of Dentistry
  • Kristin Cloyes — College of Nursing

Each educator will receive a monetary award and each also will receive a plaque and medallion. The monetary part of the award reflects the breadth and depth of the contribution to ethics education. We thank these colleagues for providing wonderful opportunities to students and other education seekers to learn, discuss, debate, compete, and grow personally and professionally in many ways.

In addition, the following colleagues are being recognized for their immense and selfless contributions to the Eccles School’s Daniels Ethics Initiative efforts.

  • Brooke Lenzen — Assistant Manager, Executive Education
  • Breanna Cypers — Assistant Manager of Student Affairs, Full-Time MBA
  • Rachel Blatchford — Assistant Manager, MBA Online
  • David Blackburn — Director, Information Technology

We are grateful to the Daniels Fund for encouraging these kinds of efforts and for providing the resources to recognize them. We extend our congratulations and much appreciation to these 10 individuals.

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