Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

ConnectU: Connecting grad students and alumni

Graduate students, alumni, friends and staff of the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah recently gathered to network and socialize at the Judge Café in downtown Salt Lake City as part of the ConnectU Fall Networking Social.

ConnectU is an alumni-run organization that focuses on creating opportunities for graduate students to meet alumni of the David Eccles School of Business in order to network, develop professional relationships and find opportunities within the corporate world after graduation. Students attend networking activities and socials to become acquainted with the alumni who so generously donate their time to this great cause.

When asked about his impression of the event, first-year MBA student Jackson Jayaraj remarked, “My overall thoughts were that I could make friends beyond the classroom and relate to the alumni who have been in our shoes. Their advice on do’s and don’ts while in school and ways to connect was definitely invaluable.”

The impact this event makes on students is valuable to the alumni as well, reminding them of the difficulty of being a student, while showing the students how much they value the education they received from the U.

“The alumni are genuinely interested in building relationships and are invested in helping the students,” Jackson added. “It builds the faith in the school and elevates the program.”

With more than 40 students and alumni in attendance at the ConnectU Fall Social, many students realized the importance of building and developing a professional network while still in college. Due to the high volume of students that attended, record numbers registered for the 1-on-1 lunches that will take place between students and alumni in the coming spring semester.

The David Eccles School of Business is always looking for interested alumni to network and meet with students for these lunches, if interested please contact Cory Nelson (801-587-8886, or email to find out how to sign up.


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