Opportunity Scholars

Opportunity Scholars celebrate graduates at luau

“Sometimes, it’s the people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.” The Opportunity Scholars program at the Eccles School is in the business of imagination. The program supports first-generation college students — students whose immediate family didn’t attend college. Many of the students come from under-represented populations. These journeys make celebrations all the more special. And quite [...]

2019-11-27T16:38:16-07:00May 6th, 2015|

Opportunity Scholars outdoors: My favorite Eccles Experience

Editor’s Note: As the school year rapidly comes to a close, the Eccles Newsroom reached out to students to ask about their favorite Eccles Experience they had this year. In this Q&A, Stephanie Yu, a triple major in Honors Business Management, Chinese and International Studies with an emphasis in Asian Studies, shares her favorite Eccles Experience. What was a favorite Eccles Experience this year? [...]

2019-11-27T16:38:26-07:00May 5th, 2015|

Opportunity Scholars graduates celebrate, pass on some words of wisdom

The Opportunity Scholars Program celebrated this year's graduates with a festive and emotional gathering of family, friends and faculty and staff from the David Eccles School of Business. There were a lot of tears, many laughs, and a celebratory "haka" dance to top it all off. Dedicated to providing scholarships and support--academic, professional and emotional--to first-generation college students at the business school, the Opportunity [...]

2019-11-27T16:38:38-07:00April 21st, 2014|
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