School of Accounting Professor’s Research Paper Accepted for Publication

Maclean (Mac) Gaulin, Assistant Professor of Accounting at University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business, has had a research paper conditionally accepted for publication at Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR), with an anticipated publishing in 2025. The paper, "CEO Short-Term [...]

2024-09-12T14:10:20-06:00August 9th, 2024|

Paper by Eccles School Accounting Professor Ed Owens Accepted for Publication

The Review of Accounting Studies journal has accepted a paper coauthored by Eccles School Professor of Accounting Ed Owens. The paper, titled "Accrual Duration," was coauthored by Ilia Dichev an accounting professor from Emory University. According to professor Owens, accounting [...]

2024-01-17T13:30:40-07:00January 17th, 2024|

University of Utah Team Named Regional Winner of Deloitte FanTAXtic Tax Case Competition

University of Utah’s team of five students was named as one of nine regional winners of Deloitte FanTAXtic, Deloitte’s student Tax Case Study Competition. More than 60 teams representing more than 40 colleges and universities participated in the regional event [...]

2023-11-13T11:54:56-07:00November 13th, 2023|