Caregiving Collaborative Op-Ed: Honor caregivers during the holidays

Debra Scammon of the Family Caregiving CollaborativeThe University of Utah Family Caregiving Collaborative published an op-ed in The Salt Lake Tribune reminding Utahns to thank caregivers during the holidays. Debra Scammon, a professor at the Eccles School and senior faculty associate at the collaborative, was one of the op-ed’s co-authors.

In Utah, more than 450,000 people serve in the role of caregiver, meaning they provide unpaid care for folks from vulnerable populations, such as those who are aging, who are chronically ill, or who have physical or intellectual disabilities.

You can read more about resources available to caregivers and about the incredible contributions caregivers make to their families, friends, loved ones, and the economy, in the full op-ed here.

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