Business Leaders Inc. students offer reasons to get involved with BLInc

Starting their first day on campus, students across all majors at the David Eccles School of Business are encouraged to get involved in clubs and organizations that will enhance their classroom studies.

One of the most popular opportunities for undergraduates is Business Leaders Inc., or BLInc, an association designed to represent all admitted and pre-business students at the U’s business school. BLInc is an umbrella organizations of sorts, helping the various business-related clubs and student organizations conduct events, competitions and social activities. Blinc is run as a business, too, meaning the students involved get hands-on experience applying business principles learned in class to real-world situations.

BLInc is currently accepting applications for a variety of roles for the 2014-15 school year, including CEO, COO, CFO, Executive Secretary, Treasurer, Events Chair, Service Chair, Marketing Chair, Signature Experience Chair and Student Involvement Chair. All candidates should have some leadership experience, strong ambition, an ability to work well in a team environment, and a passion for making the David Eccles School of Business all that it can be.

It’s an amazing opportunity, but don’t take our word for it. You can read more about BLInc and get the application to get involved here. And below, several of BlInc’s most active members reflect on their experience this year:

“BLInc has opened up to doors to me that I never dreamed would be opened. I have had the opportunity to meet and network with deans, faculty, and fellow student leaders to make a difference on campus. I would encourage any student to get involved because of the truly great leadership opportunity it is on campus.” – Scott Thatcher, Student Involvement Vice Chair

“BLInc has helped me meet so many great new people! I also love that since I joined as a freshman, I’m able to meet juniors and seniors in my major who can help me decide which classes to take and in what order to take them so the work load won’t be too heavy. Being involved also looks great on resumes so that’s a plus too!” – Madison Hayes, Events Committee

“BLinc has helped me become a well-rounded student. One of the best parts about being in BLinc is being able to be a part of all the great events that happen throughout the year at DESB. It has helped me make numerous connections with fellow students and faculty. It helped me realize all the great opportunities available to me here at the U!” – Candace Roach, Events Committee

“Being a part of BLInc has allowed me to not just memorize facts or learn about management but to actually manage projects, campaigns and organizational chains which mirror those of the real life business world.” – Nick Nash, CEO

“Until I joined BLInc, I hadn’t been involved in any sort of student group or organization. My network at the university was tiny before I joined. I had made a couple of friends from classes, and there were a few students that I knew from high school. I have developed friendships within BLInc, and had opportunities to meet other students and faculty members through BLInc activities. BLInc has given me more pride for my school, and more excitement about my education. As a part of BLInc, I am surrounded by a group of great students that are excited about their education and the opportunity to make a difference.”  – Jordan Smith, Vice CEO

“I have enjoyed being Involvement Chair for BLInc. It has given me a great opportunity to meet and work with outstanding students from all over the business school. I have loved the leadership experiences and the friendships I have gained.” – Michael Harris, Student Involvement Chair

“It’s a great opportunity to work with and meet active and engaged students at the U. Also, to learn how to work in a company-like business environment to help the business school grow and become recognized.” – Julian Moss, Service Vice Chair

“My involvement with BLInc led to me being offered a paid internship, and I’ve gotten a feeling of community with my fellow leaders as well as my classmates.” – Scott Hamilton, Marketing Chair



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