Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

Adjust to the new way of life in college with BLinc.

We hope you have all been able to settle into your schedules fairly easily this semester. Making the transition to college can be rough, but luckily BLInc. has you covered with some tips:

Tips for Tackling College Culture Shock:

  1. Invest in a planner, phone calendar, AND to-do lists to help with time management. When starting up with a new schedule, it is pretty easy to feel overwhelmed from the start. Writing schedules for work, classes, and even time just for yourself can help you with time management and structure your task list accordingly.
  2. Get to know your academic advisor and career coach early on.
    These advisors are here for all of your Eccles Experience needs! They can help you stay on track with classes, decide which schedule is the best fit for you and your major, and even explore job opportunities for now and post-graduation. These meetings are usually required to create your next class schedule; otherwise, holds will be placed on your account.
  3. Go to club fairs and information sessions.
    Events like these happen all over campus, all year long. By heading in early on, you have a better idea of which clubs/jobs interest you and help enhance your college experience. From Finance and Accounting to humanitarian projects, to student government, the U really has it all.
  4. Ask for help from peers, faculty, staff. That’s why we’re here!
    We are here for you – bottom line. The front desks at GARFF and SFEBB and our office in SFEBB 5121, along with your professors and club leaders, can answer any questions you may have to send you in the right direction.
  5. Organize study groups.
    Part of the college experience is connecting with peers to make lifelong friends throughout your years on campus. Starting with study groups in classes help ensure you achieve good grades and find students with similar interests all at once.
  6. It’s okay to not get things right on the first try.
    Change is hard and college is unlike anything most of us have ever experienced. Things may not always go as planned, but don’t let that discourage you! Here at the Eccles School, you have the biggest support system. “Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try.”
  7. Get your hands dirty and be involved with everything.
    One piece of advice you will hear over and over again on campus is GET INVOLVED. Don’t ignore this. As mentioned above, the David Eccles School of Business and the University of Utah have clubs/jobs for any interest you can imagine. Being involved helps you become accustomed to the time management of  college, meet people with similar interests, and enhances your campus life overall. Who knows, you might even surprise yourself with what you find.
  8. Take a deep breath and soak it all in. Here’s to the best four years of your life!

Need a little more help settling in? If you have any questions about the Eccles School or college life in general, feel free to email our team members or stop by during our daily office hours in SFEBB 5121!

Baylea is a Business Scholar and the Content Lead for Business Leaders, Inc. Outside of BLinc. and Business Career Services, she has been involved with LSND400, Labs4Liberty, Lassonde Food Entrepreneurship Directors, Eccles Global, and the Honors College. She is from Las Vegas, Nevada. As an aspiring entrepreneur, she runs three small side businesses in her free time. She loves to travel, help with humanitarian projects, and curl up with a good book.

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