Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

AACSB International recognizes Eccles School for Master of Business Creation

Today, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB International) – the world’s largest business education network – recognized the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah among 25 business schools as highlights of its Innovations That Inspire member challenge.

The Eccles School was recognized for its unique Master of Business Creation (MBC) program, which allows founders to launch and scale a company while earning a master’s degree in nine months. The program started in fall 2019, and the first group of founders will graduate from the program in May 2020. It is offered in partnership with the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute.

“Not simply an MBA for entrepreneurs, the MBC enables people to launch a new business through applied curriculum rather than teaching them how to manage an existing one,” said Taylor Randall, dean of the David Eccles School of Business. “In the MBC program, the founder’s startup is the case study, which allows them to apply what they are learning immediately to grow their company.”

An annual initiative, the Innovations That Inspire challenge recognizes institutions from around the world that serve as champions of change in the business education landscape. This year’s theme, “Catalysts for Innovation,” emphasizes business education’s efforts to elevate entrepreneurial thinking and new business creation.

“The demand for innovation that engages experts across disciplines and addresses the needs of both local and global communities has never been more apparent than in these unprecedented times,” said Thomas R. Robinson, president and CEO of AACSB. “We are honored to feature the Eccles School for its valuable role in elevating entrepreneurship through research, teaching, and community engagement.”

The Eccles School and Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute created the MBC program to blend the best attributes of a business curriculum with a startup accelerator. The founders develop their startups during the entire program while taking classes from leading experts and receiving extensive resources and mentorship to help them address their immediate business needs.

The MBC program is the latest addition to the Eccles School entrepreneur program that is ranked among the top 10 in the country by Bloomberg and U.S. News. The program is led by the Department of Entrepreneurship & Strategy and the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute and its Lassonde Studios facility.

Now in its fifth year, the Innovations That Inspire challenge has highlighted more than 120 business school efforts that exemplify forward-looking approaches to education, research, community engagement or outreach, and leadership. To date, members of AACSB’s Business Education Alliance have shared nearly 1,000 innovations, creating a robust repository in AACSB’s DataDirect system to inform and inspire fellow members and the industry.

Learn more about the Master of Business Degree program at The program is still accepting applications for the 2020-21 academic year on a rolling basis.

For an overview of all featured innovations in the Innovation That Inspire challenge, visit View the challenge webpage for the Master of Business Creation program here.

About the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute

The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute is a nationally ranked hub for student entrepreneurship and innovation at the University of Utah and an interdisciplinary division of the David Eccles School of Business. The first programs were offered in 2001, through the vision and support of Pierre Lassonde, an alumnus of the Eccles School and successful mining entrepreneur. The institute now provides opportunities for thousands of students to learn about entrepreneurship and innovation. Programs include workshops, networking events, business-plan competitions, startup support, innovation programs, graduate seminars, scholarships, community outreach and more. All programs are open to students from any academic major or background. The Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute also manages Lassonde Studios, a five-story innovation space and housing facility for all students. Learn more at

About AACSB International

Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world’s largest business education alliance, connecting educators, learners, and business to create the next generation of great leaders. With a presence in more than 100 countries and territories, AACSB fosters engagement, accelerates innovation, and amplifies impact in business education. Learn how AACSB is transforming business education for a better society at

About the David Eccles School of Business

The Eccles School is synonymous with “doing.” The Eccles experience provides a world-class business education with a unique, entrepreneurial focus on real-world scenarios where students put what they learn into practice long before graduation. Founded in 1917 and educating more than 6,000 students annually, the University of Utah David Eccles School of Business offers nine undergraduate majors, four MBAs, eight other graduate programs, a Ph.D. in seven areas and executive education curricula. The School is also home to 12 institutes, centers and initiatives that deliver academic research and support an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation. For more information, visit or call 801-581-7676.

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