at the University of Utah
A message of gratitude from an Eccles School scholarship recipient
Every year, the David Eccles School of Business community gathers in November at the Grand America Hotel for the Annual Scholarship Luncheon to celebrate the scholarships awarded and to thank our wonderful donors.
This year, more than $7 million was awarded, a record high for the Eccles School and its students. Although the demand for scholarships is extremely high and growing, the Eccles School always has managed to provide consistent scholarships and opportunities for its students. These scholarships go to students from diverse backgrounds, experiences and financial situations. Every student is deserving of these scholarships in their own right, and these scholarships allow them to achieve more while at the Eccles School.
As a first-generation college student, I personally know just how important scholarships really are. They allow students like myself to become part of higher education and have opportunities we would not have otherwise. The Eccles Experience is for students from all backgrounds, and scholarships are the key to opening the door for these students.
The scholarship luncheon is a lively event that gives students the opportunity to network with donors, staff and other students at the Eccles School. Being able to associate your scholarship with the person who made it all possible is truly a memorable moment. Donors give life to the community we have in the David Eccles School of Business, and we could not be more grateful for them. The atmosphere as a whole has always been one of success, support and gratitude.
We are truly lucky to have the support system we have here at the Eccles School, and I believe the scholarships given each year illustrate how important education is to all of us. They play an integral part in our community, and I know the dedication, time and support put into these scholarships will continue to grow as the Eccles School continues to grow.
Click below to see all of the scholarship recipients and the donors who made the scholarships possible.