9 reasons you need to join the Student Investment Fund

The Student Investment fund at the Eccles School allows undergraduate students to manage a $300,000 investment portfolio comprised of exchange-listed equities, ETFs and money market investments.

The class, which is run by Associate Professor of Finance Elizabeth Tashjian, is by application and only 18 students are accepted. Those applications are due by Thursday, March 26 at 3 p.m.

The experience of SIF will provide so much more than just a class experience. Here are four takeaways two current SIF students, Kevin Greer and Thomas Osmond, have taken from their time with the fund:

1) Bridging the gap. Applying the knowledge learned during your education to real management of actual money “lessens the shock of transitioning from school to a career,” Greer said.

2) Peer networking. “I’ve gotten to know the best and the brightest students at the Eccles School,” Osmond said.

3) Professional networking. Osmond has appreciated getting to know the lending professionals here in the Salt Lake City area and learning from people actually doing the work he wants to do.

4) A new toolkit. Osmond and Greer have learned a whole slew of new analytical and investments tools. “I can now look at a company and sum up how much it’s worth in a matter of minutes,” Greer said.

Both Greer and Osmond have jobs awaiting them at Goldman Sachs this summer after they graduate, and they both attribute their time working at SIF to getting those positions. As if that’s not reason enough to join, here are five more:

1) You make a ton of friends.

2) SIF helps solidify everything you’ve learned in classes at the Eccles School.

3) You will develop skills that will serve you forever, especially as you manage your personal portfolio.

4) The class exposes you to financial competitions, internships, jobs and professionals.

5) “Liz Tashjian is a maven,” Osmond said. “She’s extremely smart, and you’ll learn so much from her.”

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