5 tips & tricks for the first week of college

School is just around the corner, and with that comes all the feelings. Whether this is your first year or your last, everyone is going to feel the learning curve as we ease back into reality after a year of virtual learning. With many students coming to campus for the first time, here are some helpful tips and tricks for the first week of college.

1) Map out your classes

Yes, I mean literally use a map of the school to look at your daily path before school starts. If you don’t have any time to walk around campus before classes start, this is a quick and easy way to find the pathway class to class, reducing a lot of stress. If you have more time, I would suggest walking the pathway, and if possible, finding the classroom so you know exactly where you need to go. This can take one of the biggest weights off your shoulders.

2) Don’t be afraid to ask for directions

Maybe you can’t find your classroom or aren’t quite sure which way to go for you to make it to your next building. That’s okay! It happens to all of us. Instead of panicking or running in circles, ask for help! Go up to the nearest faculty or staff member, or even a fellow student and ask them if they know. It never hurts to ask, and there’s a good chance they might know what you’re looking for.

3) Talk to people

Your first week of college is a great time to make friends. You are definitely not the only person that is moving far from home and needs to find your people. Don’t be afraid to spark a conversation with the people around you in class, around campus, or in your dorm. Most importantly, don’t get discouraged if the first person you try talking to doesn’t seem interested – there are lots of students!

Looking for friends with similar interests? Attend Party on the Plaza on Thursday, Sept. 9, 2021, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. MT in the SFEBB Plaza, where you’ll find representatives from all the Eccles student organizations so you can see what’s available.

4) Read your syllabi

It is always important to stay on top of your classes, but the first week is crucial because it is where you get to know your professors and how they run their classes. For freshmen, this is very important because you have never been in a college class. Make sure to study each syllabus carefully, and ask questions if needed. Your professors are here to help you, and a lot of the time clarification can lead to your success.

5) Grab a bagel!

BLinc., the undergraduate student government of the Eccles School, hands out free “Back to School Bagels” during the first few days of school. Look for them in the SFEBB Lobby, Monday, Aug. 23 – Tuesday, Aug. 24, from 8:30 – 10 a.m. MT.

Kade Schweitzer is a Pre-Business student at the David Eccles School of Business. He currently serves as an intern for the Marketing + Communications team.

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