5 effective studying tips to get through Finals Week
Each person is different and has his or her own unique approach to studying. That, of course, means there is no single “right” way to study. There are, however, some important principles that, if you follow, will increase your chances of academic success.
Below are 5 effective studying tips for getting the most out of your time.
1. Give yourself enough time to study. A common reason for academic failure is failure to spend enough time studying and completing coursework. You may be brilliant. You may be sharp, creative, and a downright genius. But if you do not give yourself enough time to study, you are unlikely to reach your full acedemic potential.
2. Make the best use of the time you have. Not only is it important to give yourself enough time to study, it is also important to make the best use of the time you do have. Avoid distractions by silencing your phone and staying off the Internet.
3. Study the most relevant information first. If something comes up and your study time is interrupted, you will be better off if you’ve studied the most important information first. This is not to say that you should not be prepared for everything and anything that you can be tested on, but you can decrease your risk of missing the most important subjects if you study those subjects first.
4. Focus. Studies have shown that the most effect way to learn is to focus on one task at a time. Do not multitask while you study. The more you practice the discipline of focus, the better your mind will get at staying focused.
5. Repetition, repetition, repetition. When you repeat something over and over again, your mind gains a better understanding of it and your memory is increased. Each time you go over something, you reinforce what you already know and your mind makes new connections to things you may have passed up on a previous review.