Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

3 ways the Professional MBA is now even more flexible

Do you wonder how to fit an MBA program into your already busy life? How will an MBA program fit into your career goals? Is it possible to balance work, family, and school? The key to all of these questions is flexibility. Here at the University of Utah, we are firm believers in the idea of working your MBA around your life rather than working your life around your MBA. Here’s how the Professional MBA program gives you the flexibility and personalization you need to succeed:


The Professional MBA program offers two start date options, one in January and one in August. The program can be completed in as few as two years, but we understand that life happens. Students can take a semester or two off school for work, family, health, or other personal reasons. Some students choose to extend their degree over several calendar years to maximize employer tuition benefits. Others just prefer taking one class at a time. You have four years from your program start date to complete your degree, and our team will work with you to build your own custom schedule to meet this requirement.


In the Professional MBA program, you customize 30 percent of your curriculum through electives. With electives, you choose which days you have class and what subjects to focus on. There are elective options available in management, accounting, information systems, marketing, strategic management, operations, finance, entrepreneurship, and real estate. PMBA electives can even be used to prepare for certifications such as Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Public Accountant certification (CPA), and Lean Six Sigma. There also opportunities for graduate level certificates in Information Systems and Operations, Business Analytics, and Healthcare Administration.

Online Options

We partner closely with the University of Utah MBA Online program, ranked No. 13 in the world, to offer our students schedule and travel flexibility. New online elective options allow students to take classes anywhere on their own schedule. For students unable to complete their PMBA course requirements in person, there is the option to transfer to the MBA Online program. Recently, a PMBA student received a job opportunity that moved him across the world, and was able to finish his Eccles MBA by transferring to the MBA Online program.

No matter your circumstance, we’re confident that the Professional MBA program can enhance your career and fit with your life. Want to dive into specifics about your situation and what your MBA plan could look like? Contact us at 801-581-6836 or at today!

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