3 self-care tips for a successful Finals Week

The topic of mental health has been at the forefront of discussion this semester as we all continue to work through how remote working and learning affects us each differently. As we approach finals, this is especially true. While in years past we may have been able to hole ourselves up for a week in the house in a marathon study session, we’ve been holed up in our homes for months now. It is important we all acknowledge the importance of our self-care routine and implement it (to our best abilities — we are not perfect after all!)

Make sure you get enough sleep

While it is all too easy to study, or procrastinate, into the early hours of the morning for a final, this does not actually help your brain retain any information. Making sure you shut your notebooks and shut off your phone for a good night’s sleep can make all the difference! (P.S. naps help, too!)

Take breaks

Taking time out from studying to do something you love will give your brain a break from the constant stream of information it’s been receiving. Whether that be hanging out with a group of friends, or watching another episode of your favorite series on Netflix, taking time off will ensure you don’t burn out before your finals even begin! Check out the Office for Student Inclusion’s De-stress Week Drop-In Hours.

Don’t neglect your usual routine

Having some normalcy during an abnormal week can help your head clear itself and realize that this week will end and you can get through it. Personally, I always try to find time during the day for a walk around my neighborhood. Not only does this allow me to get out of my head on stressful days, but also gives my body a chance to stretch out after sitting in a chair all day!

After getting through a semester like this, there is no doubt in my mind that we all can get through one week of finals together!

About the Author

Anna Terry is a Marketing and Information Systems student at the David Eccles School of Business. She currently serves as an intern for the Marketing + Communications team.

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