Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Newsroom for the David Eccles School of Business

3 Quick DIY Fashion Tips

Who doesn’t love a good DIY tip? These quick fashion hacks are sure to save you time, money, and stress!

1. Fix Tight Shoes with These Simple Items


What do you get when you mix a blow-dryer, pair of thick socks, and pair of stiff or too small of shoes? COMFORTABLE SHOES! If you want to expedite the break-in process with your next pair of heels or leather shoes, here’s how:

  1. Put on a thick pair of socks, followed by your shoes
  2. Set your blow-dryer on medium heat and slowly apply heat to shoes for 5 to 10 minutes
  3. Turn off the heat, let your shoes cool, then take them off!


2. Give Your Tights Anti-Snagging Power

Torn pantyhose

Sure, tights aren’t that expensive, but isn’t it annoying when your brand new pair snags on something? There’s a solution for for that, and it’s surprisingly simple.

Spray your tights with a light coat of hairspray before you wear them!


3. Hair Straightener = Collar Iron


If you’re ironing in a hurry, it’s quite possible your forgot to iron the collar of your shirt. Boys, we’re looking at you. Borrow a hair straightener and discover the magic behind heated 1.5” ceramic plates.

Pro tip: they can work as tie irons, too!

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