3 pieces of advice from former U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman

Former U.S. Ambassador to China and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman spoke at the David Eccles School of Business Executive Summit on March 9, addressing Eccles School Advisory Board members and alumni.

The 7th Annual Executive Summit featured the Kem C. Gardner Policy institute and focused on informed decisions.

After Huntsman talked about the lessons he has learned from his roles in government, he offered three pieces of advice for Eccles School students to make the best informed decisions about their world.

  1. Learn your own system. Understanding the government in your own country gives you the basis you need to compare and contrast other systems around the world.
  2. Become fluent in world affairs. It’s easy to get trapped in your textbooks or Instagram feed, but it’s essential for students to understand what is happening around the world. What the economy in Greece is doing or who is dropping bombs in Syria has more impact on you than you may realize.
  3. Step outdoors and get beyond your borders. Live and breathe another culture in another country. Find out what daily life is like in a part of the world that is completely new to you. Understanding our differences — and more importantly, our commonalities — is essential to making informed decisions.
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