Reshaping capitalism at the Edinburgh home of its founder
Emerging consensus among academics holds that "maximizing shareholder value is a thoroughly bad idea," according to attendees at a recent conference in Edinburgh at the home of Adam Smith, the [...]
IPO market seeing more women CEOs, despite disadvantages
This year has been a fantastic one for women CEOs taking companies through an IPO, despite the disadvantages they often experience from professional investors, who are overwhelmingly men. Read more [...]
Management professor’s research shows honesty is the best policy worldwide
Honesty apparently is the best, or at least most common, policy. That's according to new research conducted by David Tannenbaum, assistant professor of management at the David Eccles School of [...]
Tips on unpaid caregiving for family without losing yourself
There are more than 330,000 family caregivers providing about 300 million hours of unpaid work — in Utah alone, according to data from the AARP. With numbers like that, it's [...]
Criticizing public companies for “short-termism” is nonsense, according to Barron’s
"Companies with publicly traded shares invest proportionately far more than privately held businesses. The difference is particularly stark when comparing spending on research and development," according to an article in [...]
Female founders more likely to struggle when it comes to securing venture funding
Is there a gender bias when it comes to securing venture capital for your startup? The data points to a resounding "yes." "There appears to be a deep-seated ... unconcscious [...]
The way you phrase questions may determine the honesty of answers
If a prospective employer asked "Do you ever use work time for personal email or social media?" it would be easy to answer no. But what if they instead said [...]
Does pay transparency make for happier employees? It’s unclear
Pay transparency may make for happier employees, but there is also the chance it could spark jealousy among colleagues and make it harder for companies to hire and retain workers. [...]
There may be such a thing as a stupid question, according to science
If you ask a question, you expect a truthful response. But it turns out that how you ask and phrase the question can have a huge effect on how much [...]