Eccles celebrates first-gen students!

We celebrate National First-Generation College Celebration Dayannually on Nov. 8 to commemorate the signing of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965 by then-President Lyndon B. Johnson. Currently, around 25% ofthe University of Utah's student body identifies as first-generation college students, and we were thrilled to recognize and appreciate these students here at Eccles. This year, we hosted two events: First-Gen Brag Board and Kick-Off and First-Gen Fest. We kicked off the week with a First-Gen Brag Board activity, where students were asked to fill out a prompt related to celebrating first-generation college students and the mentors who helped them [...]

November 20th, 2023|

Eccles community gathers to celebrate the impact of scholarships

Every fall, the David Eccles School of Business brings together donors and scholarship recipients to celebrate the tremendous impact of scholarships. This year, we were pleased to celebrate the $18 million in scholarship money awarded to more than 2,000 students at the Eccles School. This year’s Scholarship Celebration also recognized two distinguished donors, Jack and Melanie Elizondo, and the Pugh Family Foundation. The Elizondos are not only financial supporters of students at the Eccles School – they also serve as mentors in the First Ascent Program. Jack himself was a first-generation college student and understands first-hand the importance of mentorship [...]

November 17th, 2023|

School of Accounting Faculty Publishes New Research

School of Accounting Faculty Publishes New Research Atif Ellahie, Associate Professor in the School of Accounting, recently had a paper accepted for publication in Management Science, a leading academic journal. The paper titled “Measuring the Quality of Mergers and Acquisitions” is co-authored with Shenje Hshieh at City University of Hong Kong and Feng Zhang at Southern Methodist University and develops a novel accounting-based measure of merger and acquisition (M&A) quality that predicts acquirer financial performance. The measure is useful for both academics and practitioners examining the value of M&As. Professor Ellahie has also incorporated his research on M&As into an [...]

November 14th, 2023|
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