Division of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations
Hina Baig
Manager QAMO
Jennifer Brown
Senior Associate Dean of Faculty; Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy; H. Brent Beesley Endowed Professor
Jason Cook
Assistant Professor
Paul Eliason
Associate Professor
Kfir Eliaz
Visiting Professor
Troup Howard
Assistant Professor
Adam Looney
Professor, Executive Director of the Marriner S. Eccles Institute for Economics and Quantitative Analysis
Elena Patel
Sorenson Assistant Professor
Scott Schaefer
Chair and Professor, Division of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations; John W. McIntyre Family Endowed Chair for Free Market Economics
Ravideep Sethi
Assistant Professor
Rebekah Shrader
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
Erik Snowberg
Jason Snyder
Kendra Steele
Administrative Director
Allison Witman
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
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