Dean's Office
Katie Amundsen
Assistant Dean, Alumni Relations & Development
Samantha Brodey
Scholarship Director
Troy D’Ambrosio
Vice President for Innovation; Executive Director, Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute; Assistant Dean, David Eccles School of Business
Natalie Gochnour
Director, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute; Associate Dean, David Eccles School of Business
Tara Hardison
Assistant Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Hilerie Harris
Manager, Undergraduate Scholarships
Katie Hoffman-Abby
Vice President, U Career Success; Assistant Dean, David Eccles School of Business
Karissa Howard
Scholarship Systems Administrator
Ben Lepley
Scholarship Accountant
Michael Lewis
Assistant Dean, Finance and Operations; Professor (Lecturer), School of Accounting
Utahna Miller
Director of Account and Finance
Erin Nelson
Administrative Program Coordinator
Mark Parker
Associate Dean, Academic Programs; Professor (Lecturer), Department of Operations and Information Systems
Terri Rodgers
Executive Assistant to the Dean
Stephen Stubben
Senior Associate Dean, Research; Professor, School of Accounting; Francis Armstrong Madsen Endowed Professor
Jessica Taverna
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Brad Vierig
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs and Executive Education
Ruchi M. Watson
Managing Director, Goff Strategic Leadership Center; Professor (Lecturer)
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