Rachel Hayes
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential Chair in Financial Reporting, Professor
School of Accounting
Faculty, Tenure Track
Dr. Rachel M. Hayes is the George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential Chair in Financial Reporting and Professor of Accounting. She served as Dean of the David Eccles School of Business from 2021-2024 and was previously Associate Dean of Faculty and Research. Professor Hayes received an MBA from the University of Colorado and a Ph.D. from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business. She has been a faculty member at the University of Utah since 2005.
Prior to joining the U, Professor Hayes taught at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and at the Graduate School of Business at the University of Chicago. Her research has been published in a number of scholarly journals, including the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Accounting and Economics, and the Rand Journal of Economics.
Ph.D., Stanford University Graduate School of Business
MBA, University of Colorado
BS, Oberlin College
Dr. Hayes researches executive compensation and corporate disclosure.
ACCTG 7130 – Information Econ Seminar
ACCTG 5120 – Financial Accounting II
ACCTG 6610 – Financial Reporting
Woo-Jin Chang, Rachel M. Hayes & Stephen A. Hillegeist (2016). Financial Distress Risk and New CEO Compensation. Management Science. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 02/2016.
Marlene Plumlee, Darrell Brown, Rachel M. Hayes & R. Scott Marshall (2015). Voluntary Environmental Disclosure Quality and Firm Value: Further Evidence. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 07/2015.
Rachel M. Hayes (2014). Discussion of “Audit Committee Financial Expertise and Earnings Management: The Role of Status” by Badolato, Donelson, and Ege (2014). Journal of Accounting and Economics. Vol. 58. Discipline based – other, Published, 12/2014.
Rachel M. Hayes & Michael Lemmon and Mingming Qiu (2012). Stock options and managerial incentives for risk taking: Evidence from FAS 123R . Journal of Financial Economics. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 07/2012.
Hayes, R., & Ellen Engel and Xue Wang. (2010). Audit Committee Compensation and the Demand for Monitoring of the Financial Reporting Process. Journal of Accounting and Economics. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 02/2010.
Hayes, R., & Scott Schaefer. (2009). CEO Pay and the Lake Wobegon Effect. Journal of Financial Economics. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 11/2009.
Hayes, R.(2009). Discussion of `Unintended Consequences of Granting Small Firms Exemptions from Securities Regulation: Evidence from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act,’ (by Gao, Wu, and Zimmerman). Journal of Accounting Research. Discipline based – other, Published, 05/2009.
Hayes, R., & Ellen Engel and Xue Wang. (2007). The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Firms’ Going-Private Decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 09/2007.
Hayes, R., & Paul Oyer and Scott Schaefer. (2006). Co-Worker Complementarity and the Stability of Top Management Teams. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organizations. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 09/2006.
Hayes, R., & Scott Schaefer. (2005). Bonuses and Non-Public Information in Publicly Traded Firms. Review of Accounting Studies. 10, 431-464. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2005.
Hayes, R.(2004). Discussion of “Underwater Options and the Dynamics of Executive Pay-to-Performance Sensitivities”. (pp. 413-421). Journal of Accounting Research. Discipline based – other, Published, 2004.
Hayes, R., & Ellen Engel and Xue Wang. (2003). CEO Turnover and Properties of Accounting Information. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 36, 197-226. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2003.
Hayes, R., & Ellen Engel and Elizabeth A. Gordon. (2002). The Roles of Performance Measures and Monitoring in Annual Governance Decisions in Entrepreneurial Firms. Journal of Accounting Research. 40, 485-518. Discipline based – refereed, Published, 2002.