Himanshu Mishra
David Eccles Professor of Marketing, Faculty Fellow & Emerging Scholar
Department of Marketing, Master of Science in Business Analytics
Faculty, Tenure Track
Himanshu Mishra is David Eccles Professor of Marketing at the University of Utah. He has a Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Iowa. Himanshu’s current research interests can be broadly classified into two areas. Himanshu investigates research questions in the domains of behavioral decision theory, cognitive biases, consumer psychology and behavioral economics. He is also using predictive analytics to understand and predict decisions made by consumers in the marketplace. The insights he derives from unstructured data are applied in his many collaborations with firms.
His research has implications for consumer decision-making, managerial strategies, risk assessment, financial decision-making, well-being, and consumption-related decisions. He has served as an expert witness in Lanham Act trademark litigation involving secondary meaning, likelihood of confusion, and deceptive advertising surveys.
Himanshu’s research has appeared in numerous leading journals of marketing, business, and psychology such as the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Psychological Science, Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes etc. His work has been featured in a variety of media outlets such as MSNBC, Wall Street Journal, Scientific America, NPR, SmartMoney, CBS, The New York Times and the Washington Post.
Ph.D Marketing, University of Iowa
- MKTG 6620-001 Analytics Applications
- MKTG 4500 – Introduction to Advertising
- MKTG 6730 – Strategic Marketing Communications
- MKTG 7800 – Consumer Judgement and Decision Making
- Tamara Masters, Arul Mishra, and Himanshu Mishra (2017), “Phantom Limb and A New Approach to Understanding the WTA-WTP Disparity,” Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics.
- Sangkil Moon, Arul Mishra, Himanshu Mishra, and Moon Young Kang (2016), ”Cultural and Economic Impacts on Global Cultural Products: Evidence from US Movies,“ Journal of International Marketing, 24(3).
- Himanshu Mishra and Arul Mishra (2016), ”Thinking Outside the Euclidean Box: Riemannian Geometry and Inter-Temporal Decision-Making.“ PLoS ONE, 11(3).
- Himanshu Mishra, Arul Mishra and Oscar Moreno (2015), ”Bias in Spatial Risk Assessment,“ Management Science, 61 (April).
- Keith Boner, Arul Mishra and Himanshu Mishra (2015), ”What‘s in a Message? The Longitudinal Influence of a Supportive versus Combative Orientation on the Performance of Non-Profits,” Journal of Marketing Research, 52 (February).
- Jessica Rixom and Himanshu Mishra (2014),”Ethical ends: Effect of abstract mindsets in ethical decisions for the greater social good,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 124 (2).
- Ata Jami and Himanshu Mishra (2013), ”Downsizing and Supersizing: How Changes in Product Attributes Influence Consumer Preferences,” Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 27(4).
- Himanshu Mishra, Arul Mishra, Jessica Rixom, and Promothesh Chatterjee (2013), ”Influence of Motivated Reasoning on Saving and Spending Decisions,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 121(1).
- Arul Mishra, Himanshu Mishra, Tamara Masters (2012), ”The Influence of Bite-Size on Quantity of Food Consumed: A Field Study,” Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (February).
- Himanshu Mishra, Arul Mishra, and Baba Shiv (2011), ”In Praise of Vagueness: Malleability of Vague Information as a Performance-Booster,” Psychological Science, 22 (6).
- Arul Mishra and Himanshu Mishra (2011),”The Influence of Price Discount versus Bonus Pack on the Preference for Virtue and Vice Foods,” Journal of Marketing Research, 48 (February).
- Arul Mishra and Himanshu Mishra (2010), ”We are What We Consume: The Influence of Food
- Consumption on Consumer Impulsivity,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (December). Arul Mishra and Himanshu Mishra (2010), ”Border Bias: The Belief that State Borders can
- Protect against Disasters,” Psychological Science, 21 (11).
- Himanshu Mishra, Arul Mishra, and Dhananjay Nayakankuppam (2010), ”How Salary Receipt Affects Consumers‘ Regulatory Motivations and Product Preferences,” Journal of Mar- keting, 74 (September).
- Arul Mishra, Himanshu Mishra, and Dhananjay Nayakankuppam (2009), ”The Group Contagion Effect: The Influence of Spatial Groupings on Perceived Contagion and Preferences,” Psychological Science, 20(7).
- Himanshu Mishra, Baba Shiv, and Dhananjay Nayakankuppam (2008), ”The Blissful Ignorance Effect: Pre versus Post Action Effects on Outcome-Expectancies Arising from Precise and Vague Information,” Journal of Consumer Research, (December).
- Himanshu Mishra, Arul Mishra, and Dhananjay Nayakankuppam (2007), ”Seeing Through the Heart’s Eye: The Interference of System 1 in System 2,” Marketing Science (September- October).
- Himanshu Mishra, Arul Mishra, and Dhananjay Nayakankuppam (2006), ”Money: A Bias for the Whole,” Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (March).
- Dhananjay Nayakankuppam and Himanshu Mishra (2005), ”The Endowment Effect: Rose-Tinted and Dark-Tinted Glasses,” Journal of Consumer Research, 32 (December).
- David Eccles Professor, 2014-present, Univ. of Utah.
- David Eccles Fellow, 2011-2014, Univ. of Utah.
- David Eccles Emerging Scholar, 2008-2010 , Univ. of Utah.
- AMA-Sheth Distinguished Consortium faculty, University of Iowa, 2017.
- Invited Speaker, Utah Association of Financial Services, 2015, Northwestern University Mar- keting Camp, 2013, Natural Language Generation symposium, Computer Science Department, University of Aberdeen, 2012.
- Marketing Science Institute‘s fifth biennial Young Scholars Program, Park City, 2009. Winner, 2005 Society for Consumer Psychology-Sheth Dissertation Proposal Competition. ACR Doctoral consortium faculty 2007, 2012.
- AMA-Sheth Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Univ. of Connecticut, 2005.
- James F. Jakobsen Graduate Forum Award, Univ. of Iowa, 2005.
- Bhanu Murthy Memorial Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Univ. of Iowa, 2004. National Merit Scholarship, India, 1992.