Brian Cadman
Chair and Professor, School of Accounting; David Eccles Professor
School of Accounting
Faculty, Tenure Track
Brian Cadman earned his undergraduate degree from Harvard University and his Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Oregon. Before joining the faculty at the University of Utah, Professor Cadman was on the faculty at the Kellogg School of Management and The Wharton School. Professor Cadman’s research focuses on the use and implications of accounting information on compensation design as well as the role of external monitors and other governance mechanisms. His research on compensation consultants and CEO pay has been cited by the SEC in a recent ruling. His current research projects include studies on the Troubled Asset Relief Program, the role of venture capitalists in firms going public, and more recently, pension plans, severance agreements and the market for CEO talent. Dr. Cadman teaches managerial accounting at the master’s level, where his expertise on performance measurement and decision making brings great value to the classroom.
- Bachelor of Arts, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2000
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 2005
- Current CV
- Executive MBA Distinguished Teaching Award, 2016, 2022
- Full-Time MBA Distinguished Teaching Award, 2021
- Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Excellence in Reviewing Award, 2022
- MBA On-Line Teaching Award, 2019
- Brady Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Utah, 2013, 2018
- David Eccles School of Business Professional Service Award, 2017
- Professional MBA Distinguished Teaching Award, 2014
- Management Accounting Section Midyear Meeting Outstanding Paper Award, 2014
- David Eccles Emerging Scholar, University of Utah, 2011-2014
- Masters Teaching Excellence Award, University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business, 2010, 2015
- Core Management Accounting, MBA/Professional MBA, MBA
On-line - Management Accounting, Executive MBA
- Management Accounting for Entrepreneurs, Masters of Business Creation
- Advanced Management Accounting, MBA/Professional MBA
- Value and Management Accounting, MACC/MSF/MBA
- ExecEd: Intermountain Executive Development Program
- Management Accounting and Value Creation in Healthcare
- “The Incentives of Compensation Consultants and CEO Pay” (with Mary Ellen Carter and Stephen Hillegeist). 2010. Journal of Accounting and Economics 49(3): 263-280.
- “Determinants of CEO Pay: A Comparison of ExecuComp and Non-ExecuComp Firms ,” (with Sandy Klasa and Steve Matsunaga). 2010. The Accounting Review 85(5): 1511-1543.
- “Executive Compensation Restrictions: Do They Restrict Firms’ Willingness to Participate in TARP?” (with Mary Ellen Carter and Luann Lynch). 2012. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 39(7): 997-1027.
- “Stock Option Grant Vesting Terms: Economic and Financial Reporting Determinants” (with Jayanthi Sunder and Tjomme Rusticus). 2013. Review of Accounting Studies. 18:1159-1190
- “Executive Equity Divestitures and Equity Granting Patterns”. 2013. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 25: 1-24. Presented at JMAR Conference
- “Compensation Peer Groups and their Relation with CEO Pay” (with Mary Ellen Carter). 2013. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26: 57-82.
- “Economic determinants and information environment effects of earnouts: New insights from SFAS 141 (R)” (with Richard Carrizosa and Lucile Faurel). 2014. Journal of Accounting Research 52(1): 37-74.
- “Investor Horizon and CEO Horizon Incentives” (with Jayanthi Sunder). 2014. The Accounting Review 89(4): 1299-1328.
- “Group judgment and advice-taking: The social context underlying CEO compensation decisions.” (with Bryan Bonner). 2014. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 18: 302-318.
- “The Role of Defined Benefit Pension Plans in Executive Compensation” (with Linda Vincent) 2014. European Accounting Review 24(4): 779-800.
- “Are Ex-Ante CEO Severance Pay Contracts Consistent with Efficient Contracting?” (with John Campbell and Sandy Klasa). 2016. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 51(3): 737-769.
- “Inducement Grants, Hiring Announcements and Adverse Selection for New CEOs” (with Richard Carrizosa and Xiaoxia Peng). 2020. Review of Accounting Studies 25, 279-312.
- “Compensation disclosures and corporate governance through shareholder voting” (with Richard Carrizosa and Xiaoxia Peng). 2020. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32 (3): 27–48.
- “The Participation Constraint and CEO Equity Grants” (with Mary Ellen Carter and Xiaoxia Peng). 2020. The Accounting Review 96(1):67-89
- “Investor Horizon and Commitment to Disclosure” (with Daniele Macchiocci and Mirko Heinle). Forthcoming The Accounting Review.
Editor, The Accounting Review, 2016-2022
University of Utah:
Chair of the School of Accounting, 2022-present
David Eccles School of Business Dean Search Committee, 2022
Chair of the Masters’ Curriculum Committee, 2015, 2016, 2017
Review Promotion and Tenure Committee (2015, 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021 (Chair), 2022 (Chair)).
University of Utah Academic Senator (2015-2018)
David Eccles School of Business Faculty President, 2022-2023
- Member, American Accounting Association
- Sub-Liaison, AAA Annual Meeting FARS Committee, 2012, 2014
- Co-Coordinator, AAA Annual Meeting MAS Committee, 2015, 2016
- Management Accounting Section Notable Contribution Committee, 2014, 2022
- Management Accounting Best Paper Award Committee, 2015, 2017
- Sub-Liaison, AAA FARS Mid-year meeting, 2016
- Management Accounting Section Doctoral Consortium, 2019
- Member, Editorial Board, The Accounting Review, 2014-2017
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Management Accounting Research, 2012-2015
- Member, Editorial Board, The European Accounting Review, 2015-2021