Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah

Student Giving Week: One student’s perspective

Student Giving Week is off and running, as anyone walking through the lobby of the Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building has probably noticed. Accounting major Eliza Rasmussen writes to explain why she thinks it’s important to contribute to the David Eccles School of Business, even though she’s still an undergraduate. 

Rasmussen writes: 

Many students are probably asking themselves, “Why should I give more money to the David Eccles School of Business when I already pay enough in tuition?” True, college is expensive, but there are a lot of reasons why students should open up their wallets and give a few bucks this week.

The business school provides numerous opportunities for students, ranging from competitions, internships, scholarships, student involvement opportunities, campus employment, student clubs and organizations, and more. I have taken advantage of several opportunities to become more involved in the business school myself.

As an incoming freshman, I was accepted into the Business Scholars Program. This program provided me with a greater understanding of the different degrees offered by the school. Being a part of the Business Scholars Program gave me the chance to analyze and then visit various local, national, and international companies, and opportunities to network are plentiful.

Fortunately, professors and career coaches have been helpful in putting me in contact with professionals in business fields that I am interested in pursuing. With the generous help of a professor, I was able to meet one of the owners of the Colorado Rockies for an hour and chat with him at a café.

Finally, I applied for, and was selected to participate in, an Accounting tax competition. My team took first place regionally and we flew to Dallas, Texas, to compete in the national competition. Although my team did not win the national competition, it was an incredible experience.

Each year, I have been the grateful recipient of scholarships from generous alumni who have given back to their school. These scholarships have been a significant help in paying my tuition.

As a member of the Business Student Alumni Board, I would like to encourage you to give to the David Eccles School of Business. Please show a little gratitude for the school this week by participating in the Student Giving Week, running through Feb. 14.

This Student Giving Week is not only about giving back to the business school, but also about building a greater awareness of all the opportunities that are available to students who want to be more involved. All students who participate in the giving pledge will receive a cord to wear at graduation, and all donations are tax-deductible.

Thanks for your help, even if it is just a few dollars. Every contribution makes a difference.


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