Looking for a few good women: Undergraduate Women in Business group growing at the U

Undergraduate business student Lauren Vandertoolen recently learned about a new group for undergraduates dedicated to the issues affecting women in the business world. Here’s what she had to say about discovering Women in Business: 

Women in Business for Undergraduates is a new, fast-growing club empowering women not only in the David Eccles School of Business, but across campus. It is an addition to the graduate-level Women in Business group that’s been operating for several years.

The undergraduate club is available for business major and minor status students. WiB for undergraduates’ leadership meets on a regular basis to discuss hosting events such as panels, body image workshops, sexual violence workshops, and a variety of career workshops. There is no fee to join the club and it is accepting of both men and women.

Since its formation in January, the club has gained momentum. It hopes to grow and build teams for the upcoming Fall semester. Currently, the club has an opening for a position on the leadership team. This new leader will have the opportunity to attend a retreat April 5 for planning next year’s goals and events.

I recently met with Tara Hardison, the current advisor of Women in Business for Undergraduates. She explained her role as a guide, but not an overpowering voice. The club is entirely student-led and student-run, so she acts as more of a facilitator.

Tara told me how currently there is a push for support for international students. These students are facing a major language barrier, as well as drastic changes in cultural norms. Women in Business hopes to act as a support to these international students, giving them confidence in classrooms, networking events and, ultimately, careers.

As aforementioned, the club is new to the business school, and we will start to see them host more events as we approach the Fall 2014 semester.

The greatest takeaway I received from Tara was that “women in business are underrepresented. We want to create a safe environment with opportunities and experiences to grow and develop as women.”

Ways to get involved with Women in Business now:

  • Join the Facebook Support Team here
  • Learn more about Women In Business on their website here
  • Apply to be on the Leadership Team here
  • As previously mentioned there are no fees or requirements for the club
  • Open to all ages, grades, and genders
  • Open to business majors and minors

For more information on Women in Business for Undergraduates, go here.

For more information on the graduate-level Women in Business, go here.

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