at the University of Utah
Five study habits to develop in your freshman year
Transitioning from high school to college can be overwhelming. You may be worried about managing your time, studying, and keeping up with your grades. However, these worries are all facets that can be eased by using a proper study regime. Check out the tips below for study success!
1) Get organized
Throughout college, you will have many things to stay on top of, such as class assignments, campus events, interviews, and much more. Therefore, you must get organized to alleviate stress from taking over your mind and body! Managing tasks helps you manage your time effectively. Use tools such as monthly planners, digital apps like Google calendar, and Todoist to assist you and take on the semester and study with ease!
2) Find a quiet place to study
Although your bed may seem comfortable, it is more associated with resting than studying. Taking the initiative, going out, and finding an area allowing you to be productive is the first step to creating a positive study environment. Once you find a location that works best for you, put aside distractions and indulge in new learning! Eccles students can also reserve a room in the Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building (SFEBB) for study groups. Visit the front desk to learn more.
3) Time blocking
With the excitement of college, it is easy to get overwhelmed and lost in the sauce. Utilizing time blocking is an easy way to manage all of your assignments and extracurricular activities. Time blocking allows you to set a specific time to complete your task. This time management method enables you to have tunnel vision during the allotted time to stay on top of your work and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
4) Go to office hours
Your instructors create office hours to assist you in coursework throughout the semester. Taking advantage of these hours helps you feel less overwhelmed. And once you take the initiative to get help in your designated course, creating a relationship with your instructor will allow you to feel comfortable asking for additional assistance throughout the year. Finally, your effort to improve will definitely be recognized!
5) Solidify effective note-taking methods
Taking notes allows you to engage your mind and actively participate in learning. There are many styles, such as Cornell notes, outline, and mind-mapping. There are also various ways to record notes, such as using paper and pencil, Google docs, and digital note-taking applications. Once you find the best note-taking method for you, you can have successful study sessions utilizing your notes!
For more tips on academic success in college, check out these virtual 30-minute workshops and visit the Business Tutoring Center.

Kamryn Monroe is a Marketing + Communications intern for the David Eccles School of Business. She is a sophomore and marketing major attending Howard University from Windsor, Connecticut. After college, she hopes to work in an innovative, diverse space where strategy and creativity collide.