Newsroom David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah

First Ascent Scholars travel to Moab for a 3-day outdoor adventure

Earlier this month, first-year students from the First Ascent Scholars group traveled to Moab, Utah. In addition to evening lessons and a closing ceremony, students spent four days camping, hiking, and canyoneering to iconic destinations such as Delicate Arch, Wall Street, and Medieval Dome.

This trip is the culminating event of the BUS 3800 course on Leadership for a Better World. Following the social change model featured in the book by the same name¹, this course provides students with the framework to support each other through community-building programming. This unique, three-day outdoor adventure challenges students to explore their learning edges and push past their comfort zone.

“Going on the Moab trip was a fun experience,” said Anahi Guillen. “It gave me many opportunities to bond with my peers and to get to know each one of them more in-depth. It was great having my peers encourage me to do things that weren’t comfortable for me. Now, I’m more comfortable doing them.”

The First Ascent Scholars Program cultivates, encourages, and enables academically focused students with significant financial need to attend the Eccles School and connect with the University of Utah, local, and global community while reaching their full academic potential. For more information, visit Eccles.Link/first-ascent.

¹Komives, S. R. (2016). Leadership for a better world: Understanding the social change model of leadership development. John Wiley & Sons.

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