Accounting Summer Intensive Program

As the economic climate changes in the U.S., we often hear people talking about finding rewarding careers that have longevity. It’s been well documented over the last several months that accounting has become one of the fastest growing fields and is expected to grow 17% over the next 10 years. If you’re looking to at a career pivot in the near future, accounting is one profession to seriously consider.  And now you can you can do that with any undergraduate degree.

For the first time at the David Eccles School of Business the School of Accounting is offer a summer intensive program beginning in 2014 that will get you up-to-speed on the critical background required for you to enter the Masters of Accounting program.  In 12 weeks you will learn about financial accounting, cost accounting, tax and auditing. International students will also be offered the intensive program to learn about the intricacies of U.S. financial, auditing, and tax standards along with learning about the U.S. governance issues to be ready to work in the states.  Once you’ve successfully completed the courses, you’ll be enrolled in the college’s two semester Master of Accounting program qualifying you to site for the CPA examination in Utah and most other states.

It’s never been a better time to enter the School of Accounting at the David Eccles School of Business. The 2013 Public Account Report ranked the program 22nd in the nation, The UTD North American Rankings of Business School from 2009-2013 ranked the faculty 20th in the nation in research productivity and the school is accredited by the AACSB.  And the education pays off. 97% of graduates were employed within three months of graduation, 80% employed in Public Accounting, and 37% taking jobs outside of Utah. We work closely with the Big Four, Grant Thornton, as well as other local firms, industry and government to help you find the right fit for the next step in your career.

There has never been a better time to get back to the classroom and invest in a stronger future. Deadlines for applications are coming up soon, call 801-581-7275 or log onto to get started today.

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