5 tips for a successful lower-division business student

Editor’s Note: Tips provided by a current student at the David Eccles School of Business to help other students become successful in their #EcclesExperience. This article’s author, Michelle Van Bui, is a undergraduate student in her last semester in lower division business classes who is studying business marketing.

Michelle Bui

Most likely, college is a new experience for us all. In high school, everyone was kept on the same schedule, normal routines and steady diets. College comes around and it’s all about hectic schedules and the freedom/burden of choosing your own meals. More often than not, students find themselves thinking, “Wait, I actually have to try now?” If this applies to you, fear not. Being a college student may be difficult, but it can also be very rewarding.

5 Tips for a successful lower-division business student

  1. Get a planner. Without a structured schedule, your week can become hectic. Organizing your homework is the number one key to survival. The University of Utah has a variety of planners to choose from. Target is also a great alternative.
  2. Join a study group. College classes usually require a time out of class devoted to going over additional material. Get with people in your class to share notes. A great app to download is Groupme. Groupme is a great way to communicate through group text messages and organize multiple groups efficiently.
  3. Meet with advisors. Advisors are there to help you succeed. Meeting with them at least once a year to help you stay on the right track. The advising office is located on the first floor of the Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building. Their hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  4. Ask for help. A simple idea, but most students don’t do it. Utilize the TA’s and office hours, there is no such thing as too much help or a dumb question. Check your course syllabus to find out when your professor holds office hours, and go talk with them.
  5. Use Business Career Services. The BCS provides personalized, specialized career development assistance to undergraduate students at the David Eccles School of Business. It’s located in SFEBB 3165.

Good luck! And let me know in the comments below if you’ve got another tip for being successful in your #EcclesExperience.

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