Welcome to the Kahlert Initiative on Technology

The Kahlert Initiative on Technology prepares any University of Utah undergraduate student to be digitally literate regardless of degree through elective courses, the experiential Kahlert Scholars program, a Certificate in Digital Literacy, and regular events and activities. These opportunities teach students about topics including app design, big data, blockchain, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more. All students are encouraged to apply to join the Kahlert Scholars, a community of students that enroll in certificate classes and participate in workshops, tech competitions, business visits, and more. The Certificate in Digital Literacy allows students to learn cutting-edge technology from industry experts in an easy-to-understand format. The certificate opens the doors of career opportunity by equipping students with the skills and knowledge the top companies want. Those positions that require hybrid skills, combining fields such as marketing and statistical analysis or design and programming, are the most future-proof jobs available.

How to Get Involved

Join the Kahlert Scholars & Certificate Program

All students at the University of Utah are welcome to apply to be a Kahlert Scholars and join a thriving tech community at the University of Utah and beyond. They are engaged in tech activities on campus, workshops, tech company visits, tech competitions, guest speakers, and the program provides a great way to get involved. Students in the Kahlert Scholars program enroll in Kahlert elective and courses that count toward the Certificate in Digital Technology.

About the Certificate in Digital Literacy

The Kahlert Certificate in Digital Literacy provides an introduction and overview of cutting-edge technologies and their influence on the world. Students admitted to the Kahlert Scholars program work toward this certificate. To complete the certificate, students must take seven courses and 21 credits. Students can choose from many courses and complete them in any order. Enroll in the certificate by applying to the Kahlert Scholars program.

Register for Elective & Certificate Courses

Here are upcoming courses that can be taken as electives or toward the Certificate in Digital Literacy:

Fall 2024 Courses

IS 2470-090 Intro to Cybersecurity
IS 2492-001 Intro to Database for Business
MKTG 2310-001 Digital Marketing
FINAN 2140 Intro to Global Fintech
DES 2615-001 Intro to Design Thinking

Spring 2024 Events Calendar

Join the Kahlert Scholars at many events and activities. Click the link below to download the calendar for details.

Why Join the Kahlert Initiative?

The Kahlert Initiative on Technology offers several ways to add technology to any major. Kahlert Scholars elevate their core majors by adding technical skills. Students can also complete a Certificate in Digital Literacy.

The Kahlert Initiate on Technology opens pathways for students to explore job opportunities in the tech industry. These jobs are booming locally and across the country and world.

Students who join the Kahlert Scholars and certificate program have access to many resources to help them gain strong and relevant tech skills. They include faculty, mentors, industry partners, and more.

Faculty and mentors in the Kahlert Initiative on Technology program come from a wide range of backgrounds and have deep knowledge and experience in all areas related to information technology. Student in the program get the opportunity to interact with these experts closely to hone their ideas and achieve their goals.

The Kahlert Initiative on Technology students get the opportunity to visit and network with technology companies. This allows them to learn about careers in technology and make connections that will help them pursue them.

Student in the Kahlert Initiative on Technology program don’t just learn about technology. They also practice it. Through many hands-on activities and events, students put what they learn to work on teams and individually.

Attend one of the guest lectures provided by the Kahlert Initiative on Technology to meet interesting people and learn something new. These speakers come from many diverse industries and backgrounds. They help make technology relevant and meaningful by sharing perspectives and experiences.

Join a thriving community of students interested in technology at the Kahlert Initiative on Technology. They come from across campus and are engaged to gain a rich experience and build their skills, while also meeting new people and having fun.

Elective & Certificate Course Topics

Here are example course topics that can be taken as electives or for the Certificate in Digital Literacy:

  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
    • Introduction to Blockchain
    • Cryptocurrency
    • Ethereum and Digital Auditing
  • Web/App Design and Creation
    • Product Management
    • Introductory UI/UX Design
    • Introductory Web and Mobile Dev
  • Marketing and Data
    • Big Data for Business
    • Predictive Analytics for Business
    • Digital Marketing
  • VR, IoT, and Voice Tech
    • Virtual Reality
    • Internet of Things
    • Voice Tech
  • AI, ML, and Database
    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Machine Learning
    • A Business Case for Database

Student Stories

“Going into college, I always knew I wanted to study something related to technology, whether that was computer science or information systems. After choosing the IS major, I also discovered the Kahlert Initiative on Technology and was immediately intrigued by the program, choosing to apply for it before I even started at the University. Therefore, I have been taking classes since my first year at the U and have loved every single one of them — web and mobile-app development, AI and ML, product management, digital marketing, and UI/UX design. Aside from your typical IS classes, I enjoy the niche and unique elements that the Kahlert Initiative classes bring into my education, helping me discover my interests in areas like product management and user experience. I look forward to being more involved in the program, and know that my time as a Kahlert Scholar has benefited my pursuit to work in the tech industry in the future.”

Abbey Salamera, information systems major

“As someone with a background in motorsports, I witnessed firsthand the importance of technology and information, and the role it played in my field. As a business student at the University of Utah and a Kahlert Scholar, I’ve learned how technology can influence virtually every modern industry. The Kahlert program has allowed me to expand my understanding and knowledge of new and innovative technologies through hands-on experiences and classes, from the rapid growth and development of artificial intelligence and machine learning to the importance of data analytics in formulating digital marketing strategies. I aspire to take my experiences in the Kahlert program and at the University of Utah to return to work in the automotive and motorsports industries and pursue my passion for cars and racing.”

Kasimir Sinnott, business major

“My name is Janet, and I am a first-generation student to immigrant parents. Growing up, I didn’t have much access to new technology. I discovered so much about what technology can do and how much it will impact our future during my first Kahlert class, and it changed my entire mindset. I was inspired to pursue a career in technology. I have taken six Kahlert Initiative on Technology classes that have opened my eyes to several technology platforms like PowerApps, RapidMiner, Linux, and the list continues. My aspiration for the future is to work in a tech company that has great advancement opportunities because of the Kahlert Initiative on Technology classes.”

Janet Ramirez, information systems major

“My name is Jordan Beck. I’m a Junior from Cincinnati, Ohio, studying information systems and planning on receiving a master’s in cybersecurity here at the University of Utah. The Kahlert Initiative on Technology classes that I have taken have had a fundamental impact on my college experience at the U. I have been able to network with industry experts, learn valuable and actionable information with real world application in classes like cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and so many more. Through this program, I’ve been able to determine exactly what I want to study, the job I’d like to have after graduation, and I’ve had a great time learning with amazing professors. I aspire to work as a CISO of a Fortune 500 company because of my passion for information security and leadership. This program has enabled me and provided so many amazing opportunities for me to learn and grow my skills to achieve my dreams and I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of it.”

Jordan Beck, information systems major

“The Kahlert Scholars is a terrific program that allows students to connect and be a part of what ‘the fourth industrial revolution’ is all about. This program trains you to be inventive and make a difference by teaching you several forms of programming. Being a part of this program with diverse majors and minors allowed me to see things from a fresh perspective and become more creative with what I had! Now that I am nearing the completion of my undergraduate studies at the University of Utah, I am able to advocate for myself and expose myself to more options than I ever thought I would have the opportunity to pursue.”

Ruth Kahn, finance and film and media arts major

About our Founder, Heather Kahlert

The founder of the Kahlert Initiative on Technology, Heather Kahlert, is a champion for technology, deeply engaged in the community through many nonprofits, and the vice president of the The Kahlert Foundation. Established in 1991 by her grandfather, William Kahlert, The Kahlert Foundation’s mission is to provide grants to nonprofit organizations to improve the quality of life and well-being of the community in the areas of health care, youth programs, education, veteran organizations, and human services. Heather Kahlert is also a board member and advocate for many schools and non-profits, including the University of Utah’s David Eccles School of Business, Make-A-Wish Utah, Warrior Rising, the Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity, and many more. She is a University of Utah alumna, earning both her bachelors and MBA degrees from the university. Heather and her family reside in Salt Lake County. She is the proud mother of three children.

Heather Kahlert

Contact Us


David Eccles School of Business
Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building
1655 East Campus Center Dr.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112
801-581-7676 (main line for Eccles School)


Kathy Hajeb

Academic Advising

Do you have questions about enrolling in courses at the David Eccles School of Business? The academic advising office is a great resource for you. Read them 801-581-7853, advising@eccles.utah.edu or visit their website here.