Faculty Research David Eccles School of Business
at the University of Utah
Faculty Research2025-03-13T17:17:07-06:00

The David Eccles School of Business is a hub for world-class, innovative research that pushes the boundaries of business knowledge and practice. Faculty and researchers explore cutting-edge topics in accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, marketing, management, and operations and information systems, delivering insights that shape industries, inform policy, and drive economic growth.


Recent Publications

Human Resource Practices and Employee Trust: A Systematic Review with a Guiding FrameworkDirks K, Gillespie N, Kong DTJournal of ManagementDepartment of Management2025
The Legacy of War: Ibero-Dutch Conflicts and the Road Toward a Limited Fiscal-Military State in Portugal, 1640–1703Dominguez RIbero-Dutch Imperial Entanglements in the Seventeenth CenturyDepartment of Management2025
What do cross-country surveys tell us about social capital?Cohn A, Maréchal M, Tannenbaum D, Zünd CReview of Economics and StatisticsDepartment of Management2025
Identity-Based ElectionsHerrera H, Sethi RJournal of Political Economy MicroeconomicsDivision of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations2025
Bridging the Gap: How Emergency Paid Leave Addressed Limited Access and Constraints During the PandemicByker T, Patel E, Smith KNational Tax JournalDivision of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations2025
Help wanted: attracting and keeping retail employees in today’s competitive marketMasters T, Rhoads GK, Swenson MInternational Journal of Retail & Distribution ManagementDepartment of Marketing2025
The promise of business school to repair the worldSondak SJustifying Next Stage Capitalism: Exploring a Hopeful FutureDepartment of Management2024
Customer Shopping Behavior and the Persistence of Revenues and EarningsJin H, Stubben S, Ton KThe Accounting ReviewSchool of Accounting2024
Not just hearsay and rumor: How managers (actually) perceive the credibility of secondhand accounts of employee voiceBurris E, Howell T, Stubben S, Welch KAcademy of Management JournalSchool of Accounting2024
Are CEOs Rewarded for Luck? Evidence from Corporate Tax WindfallsAndreani M, Ellahie A, Shivakumar LJournal of FinanceSchool of Accounting2024
Group bargaining: A model of international treaty ratificationSethi R, Yoo WGames and Economic BehaviorDivision of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations2024
Food Ordering and Delivery: How Platforms and Restaurants Should Split the PieGlaeser C, Oh J, Su XManagement ScienceDepartment of Operations and Information Systems2023
COVID-19-Motivated Changes to Executive CompensationCarter ME, Lynch LJ, Peng XJournal of Management Accounting ResearchSchool of Accounting2024
Race-Blind Admissions, School Segregation, and Student OutcomesCook JJournal of Public EconomicsDivision of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations2024
Service Operations for Justice-On-Time: A Data-Driven Queueing ApproachBakshi N, Kim J, Randhawa RSManufacturing and Service Operations ManagementDepartment of Operations and Information Systems2024
Benchmarking Scholarship in Consumer Research: The p-Index of Thought LeadershipPham MT, Wang D, Wu AYJournal of Consumer ResearchDepartment of Marketing2024
Growth through ethical identity work: The case of ethics and compliance officersBishop D, den Nieuwenboer NA, Kreiner GE, Murphy C, Treviño LKJournal of Business EthicsDepartment of Management2024
Digital Therapy for Negative Consumption Experiences: The Impact of Emotional and Rational Reviews on Review WritersMorwitz VG, Wu AYJournal of Consumer ResearchDepartment of Marketing2024
Stopping mental illness stigma: Changing attitudes, language, and policiesKreiner GEFocus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in PsychiatryDepartment of Management2025
Silenced by incivilityBain K, Coll K, Kreps TA, Tenney ERJournal of Business EthicsDepartment of Management2024
College students’ perceptions of a Clery timely warning about sexual assaultCoe K, Hills W, Linder C, Melton HC, Moore A, Richards JLJournal of Student Affairs Research and PracticeDepartment of Management2024
Refining and expanding applications of Moral Foundations Theory in consumer psychologyGraham JM, Johnson W, Ramos GA, VanEpps EMJournal of Consumer PsychologyDepartment of Management2024
How Much Does College Cost and How Does it Relate to Student Borrowing? Tuition Growth and Borrowing Over the Past 30 YearsLooney AFRB of Philadelphia Working Paper No. 24-16Division of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations2024
Team scientists should normalize disagreementChin JM, Coles NA, Fridrich JC, Holcobe AO, O'Dea RE, Tenney ERScienceDepartment of Management2024
Endogenous Risk-Exposure and Systemic InstabilityShu CManagement ScienceDepartment of Finance2024
Towards a New Theory of Experimental Strategy: A Reply to Clark and Hunt’s “The Challenge and Opportunity of a Quantum Mechanics Metaphor in Organization and Management Research”Barney JB, Shelef O, Wuebker RAcademy of Management ReviewDepartment of Entrepreneurship & Strategy2024
What Went Wrong with Federal Student Loans?Looney A, Yannelis CJournal of Economic PerspectivesDivision of Quantitative Analysis of Markets and Organizations2024
Social Learning and Content Quality Under PolarizationKadiyala B, Shin DManufacturing & Service Operations ManagementDepartment of Operations and Information Systems2024
Dealer Financing in the Subprime Auto Market: Markups and Implicit SubsidiesJansen M, Kruger S, Maturana GManagement ScienceDepartment of Finance2023
A Person-centered Approach to Behaving Badly at Work: An Examination of Workplace Deviance PatternsBigelow B, Carpenter NC, Harris TB, Kautz JJournal of Applied PsychologyDepartment of Management2024
Information Dependency in Mitigating Disruption CascadesBaksh N, Mohan SManufacturing and Service Operations ManagementDepartment of Operations and Information Systems2024
Bad Guys Finish First? A Moral Emotional Perspective of Job Performance Outcomes for Abusive SupervisorsBigelow B, Johnson MA, Priesemuth MBusiness & SocietyDepartment of Management2024
Heisenberg Effects in Experiments on Business IdeasBarney JB, Shelef O, Wuebker RAcademy of Management ReviewDepartment of Entrepreneurship & Strategy2024

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