Matching supply with demand is an enormous challenge for firms: excess supply is too costly, inadequate supply irritates customers. In this course, we will explore how firms can better organize their operations to deliver the right products for the right customers at the right time. We will tackle difficult questions. We will address and answer such diverse questions as: Should airlines bump passengers? Should women have more public restrooms than men? Since justice delayed is justice denied, how do we ensure timely judicial outcomes?
Capacity and utilization of processes
- Why do queues form?
- How can organizations better manage queues?
- What are implications for organizations and their customers?
- Inventory decisions for products, such as fashion apparels
- Overage and underage costs
- Protection levels
- Booking limits
This class is designed for anyone in a role that leads change or wants to develop that skillset. It will benefit anyone who wants to increase their efficiency in their teams or across organizations. It is especially useful for managers looking to develop their operations management skillset.
100% online
15 weeks
5-6 hours
Available On-Demand
Get a Certificate

This course is a part of the MBA Foundations Certificate. Participants who complete the certificate will receive a $500 scholarship applicable towards the tuition of any of the four MBA programs at the University of Utah.* Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to meet with one of our directors to discuss career goals.
*To qualify for the scholarship, participants must apply for the MBA program and be admitted. The scholarship is eligible for up to 18 months after completing the MBA Foundations certificate.
Proof of accomplishment

In addition to developing knowledge and skills, you will receive SHRM credits as proof of your accomplishment.
Eccles Executive Education is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRMSCP professional development credits (PDCs). This program is valid for 5.5 PDCs. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

Manu Goyal, Ph.D.
Manu Goyal is an Associate Professor in Operations Management. Dr. Goyal received his PhD from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the David Eccles School of Business, he was a faculty at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.
Dr. Goyal’s research spans the areas of Operations / Supply Chain Management. His current research interests include Ethics in Business, Information Flows in Supply Chains, and Operational Flexibility. He teaches courses in supply chain management, operations management, and spreadsheet modeling.
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